HSE policy

Tectonic Oil Tools Limited as part of its corporate policy considers Health Safety, Security and Environment issues to have equal status with other business objectives. Health, Safety and Environmental Work Rules imposes a statutory duty on employers to ensure, in so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of their employees and environment where work is performed is safe. This duty also extends to other persons or environment that may be affected by that work.

It is the Policy of Tectonic Oil Tools Limited that activities are planned and executed in a manner that:

  • Identifies HSE hazard and reduce risks to a level that is As Low As Reasonably practicable (ALARP),and the preservation of health, safety and Security of her employees, sub contractors and third parties who may be affected by Tectonic Oil Tools Limited operations.
  • Maintenance of plant and equipment in safe and proper manner.
  • Investigation of any accident to ascertain causes to put controls in place and avoid future re-occurrence, conduct of audits, Incident investigations and review to ensure the effective implementation of this policy.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations and Standard and other requirements to which we subscribe, and assurance of strict compliance of its sub-contractors with the terms of   this policy.
  • Recognition of excellence in safety and the provision of safe and secure environment, as well as promotion of HSE awareness and assure competence to control our HSE risks.
  • To minimize to the barest minimum, the impact of our operation on our working environment, and is sensitive to the needs and concerns of its host communities.
  • Require EVERYONE TO STOP Any WORK, or PREVENT WORK STARTING, where adequate controls to manage HSE risk are not in place. Each staff is empowered to intervene whenever one observes any unsafe act/condition.